Why Attachment Matters Across the Lifespan – SAIA Annual Conference 2019

Why Attachment Matters Across the Lifespan. A summary of the Scottish Attachment in Action Annual Conference, 18th December 2019
Attachment through the lifespan

Scottish Attachment in Action’s conference this year (2019) demonstrates SAIA’s commitment to informing and promoting why attachment matters throughout the lifespan life – from cradle to grave we all have a fundamental need for human connection and love.
Lockdown reflections from Claire: Adoptive Mum and Teacher

ogether in lockdown has meant we have all had to get used to living differently, not doing some things and trying new things. This blog is one of my new things – a different way to connect with others in this strange time.
A Safe Haven in Times of Trouble

What was your first response when you realised the seriousness of the current threat from Covid19? Did you phone an elderly parent, wonder if you should keep your child home from school, or did you find yourself wanting to escape to a remote spot in the Highlands?
A Lesson From Skimming Stones

Each week I have cycled the eight miles to a house on the outskirts of town to meet with a very important 11-year-old pupil. I’ll call him James. One reason he is important is because is helping me see the lockdown through his eyes.
“Balancing the Pencil on it’s Point”

visibly shaken. The tone of her voice wasn’t defiant; it sounded more like a plea for help.
They Call Me “Trouble”: The Peril of not Repairing Relationships

Yet if he [Bruce] should give up what he has begun, and agree to make us or our kingdom subject to the King of England or the English, we should exert ourselves at once to drive him out as our enemy and a subverter of his own rights and ours …