A Day with Dan Hughes

December 20, 2021, 12:00 am

‘A Day with Dan Hughes’ is a video recording of Dan’s presentation at Scottish Attachment In Action’s conference in Aberdeen, held in partnership with Aberdeen City Council. It will be of interest and use to professionals, parent and carers.

Powerfully Interwoven with stories of his therapeutic work with families, Dan talks about the potential impact on all aspects of children’s development of interfamilial trauma. He straightforwardly explains the theoretical underpinnings of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, for example, Intersubjectivity, Blocked Trust and Blocked Care. Dan then articulates how these understandings translate into therapeutic action with the core attitude of PACE, supporting the parenting figures to keep their hearts hopeful, and the children – with their parents as co-therapists – to go on the journey from ‘it’s my fault, I’m a bad kid ‘to I am ‘likeable and lovable’. The recording is interspersed through stories with practical parenting strategies such as connection before correction.

Dan kindly has allowed us to share this recording in support of the ongoing work at Scottish Attachment in Action. For a small fee of just £10 you can access the links to the three parts on Vimeo.

Part 1 – 1 hour 10 minutes
After a welcome from Graeme Simpson, Aberdeen City Council’s Chief Social Work Officer, Dan Hughes talks about the potential impact of Developmental Trauma on all aspects of children’s development including Blocked Trust.

Part 2 – 45 minutes
Dan talks about Blocked Care, supporting parents and carers, and the attitude of PACE.

Part 3 – 27 minutes
Dan talks about creating connections in the team around the child and family.

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