Annual General Meeting 2023

November 27, 2023, 9:30 am

We would like to warmly welcome members to our AGM, which will take place on Monday, 27th November 2023 at 9.30am in the Advanced Research Centre (ARC) 11 Chapel Lane, University of Glasgow, G11 6EW.

1 Welcome and reflections
2 Attendance and Apologies
3 Minute of the 2022 AGM – for approval   
           1 Matters arising
4 Changes to the Constitution
5 Appointment of Trustees
           1 Election of current/continuing Trustees
           2 Election of new Trustee appointments
6 Annual Report presented by the Chair and Treasurer
7 Planning for the Future
8 Any other business or matters to be raised


The AGM will cover proposed changes to the constitution, election of new and continuing trustees, an update from our chairperson and treasurer of the previous year and planning for the future.

Nominations – If you would like to become a trustee of SAIA and feel you have the skills and experience to support us in governing the charity, please get in touch to nominate yourself as an individual member, or as an authorised representative of a member organisation.

Either email Wendy McAuslan or call 07842 408 804 (in the first instance) before the 20th of November 2023. We will provide details about the trustee role and a nomination form for you to complete. Please note up to 7 members of an organisation may attend the AGM, but each organisation may only have one vote.

We would love to see you at our AGM and appreciate your input and support. For planning purposes please let us know in advance if you will be attending by emailing Wendy McAuslan or call 07842 408 804, also let us know if you have any special requirements in order to be able to attend the AGM.

Voting will take place on the day however, if you have any comments or would like to submit a proxy vote please get in touch no later than Wednesday 22nd November either by email or via the telephone number provided above.

Please note the annual conference Connections and Relationships – helping communities thrive will take place directly after the AGM.  You can find out more about the event and book you place.

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