

ACE Centre

Many of the issues that affect us across the lifespan, even into adulthood, have their origin in childhood. Children who suffer difficult early experiences, such as illness, neurodevelopmental problems, neglect or abuse can develop mental health problems that can burden them throughout their lives, holding them back in social development, family life, education, the work place, and even their physical health. Their research, clinical work and teaching aims to understand and address this. The team is closely allied to the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre.

Alex Timpson Trust

The Alex Timpson Trust is the official company charity of the Timpson Group. The charity’s main aim is to help schools better respond to the emotional needs of looked after (fostered and adopted) children. The Trust supports the development of training courses on attachment awareness and the three books John Timpson has written on the subject – A Guide to Attachment, How to Create A Positive Future and Looking After Looked After Children – will be made freely available to help raise wider awareness of the reasons why some looked after children behave in ways that are challenging and perplexing.

Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Publishers of the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry (JCPP), an internationally acclaimed and world-leading child & adolescent psychology and psychiatry journal, that brings together empirical research, clinical studies and reviews in order to advance how we understand and approach child and adolescent mental health, and the Child & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal, a high quality, peer-review of child and adolescent mental health services research, which has articles for practitioners describing evidence-based clinical methods and clinically orientated research. ACAMH are committed to sharing information & best practice across the UK through a network of branches, with volunteers from a range of professional disciplines dedicated to creating a community that is making a difference.

The Attachment Research Community (ARC)

ARC supports schools and settings to develop best attachment and trauma aware practice. ARC is a charitable organisation in England set up in 2017 with a mission to support all schools to be attachment and trauma aware by 2025.

CORRA Foundation

Corra Foundation exists to make a difference to the lives of people and communities. It works with others to encourage positive change, opportunity, fairness and growth of aspirations which improve quality of life. Corra wants to see a society in which people create positive change and enjoy fulfilling lives. In 2020 Corra launched a ten-year strategy. It is long term because making a difference on the big challenges will take time. At its heart is the strong belief that when people find their voice, they unlock the power to make change happen. Since 1985 the foundation has distributed almost £193m and made nearly 24,000 grants to charities.

Beacon House

A team based in Cuckfield and Chichester providing a wide range of mental health assessments and effective therapies for children and young people, families and adults. As a service they have a special interest in repairing the effects of trauma and attachment disruption. We highly recommend their free resources on developmental trauma.

Cairnsmoir Connections

With a range of over 200 publications, CairnsMoir is an online bookshop that also provides conference bookstalls, and resource signposting for those living or working with children impacted by trauma. They also provide bespoke onsite training on a range of adoption, fostering and kinship care related topics.

CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection

CELCIS is based at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. They are dedicated to making positive and lasting improvements in the wellbeing of children and young people living in and on the edges of care, and their families, across the whole country, and the globe – children who, through no fault of their own, are not able to enjoy the same positive experiences and outcomes as many of their peers. In partnership with carers, social workers, teachers, nurses, charities, the police, local authorities, the Scottish Government, they work to understand the issues, introduce the best possible practice and develop solutions. To achieve effective, enduring and positive change across the board, they take an innovative, evidence-based implementation approach.

DDP Network

DDP is a therapy, parenting approach and model for practice that uses what we know about attachment and developmental trauma to help children and families with their relationships. Developing trust with the help of PACE, DDP provides interventions for families and those who support them.

Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services

Iriss is a charity that works with social work and social care to create positive change in Scotland.

The Promise

The Promise Scotland is responsible for driving the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review. It works with all kinds of organisations to support shifts in policy, practice and culture so Scotland can #KeepThePromise it made to care experienced infants, children, young people, adults and their families – that every child grows up loved, safe and respected, able to realise their full potential.

Why Not? Trust

The Why Not? Trust for Care Experienced Young People aims to support the long-term relationships between young people with care experience and the people who matter to them.

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