Seeking trustees for Scottish Attachment in Action

Join the Board of Trustees at Scottish Attachment in Action.
Attachment, Racism and The Impact on Relationships Project

Project leaders Gillian Neish and Edwina Grant give an overview of SAIA’s BME workshops.
How SAIA are Keeping The Promise

An update on SAIA’s commitment to supporting Scotland’s Promise.
SAIA Hosts Event on Polyvagal Theory

Discover the key takeaways from Scottish Attachment in Action’s recent event on Polyvagal Theory with Dr George Thompson.
SAIA to Offer Twilight DDP Pace Training for a Second Time

Scottish Attachment in Action (SAIA) are delighted to be able to offer the twilight delivery model of DDP Pace training for a second time, following the pilot at the beginning of the year.
How ‘Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom’ Could Transform Your Teaching Practice

Scottish Attachment in Action supports ASN teacher Sarah Lathan on the publication of her first book, ‘Creating a Trauma-informed Classroom’.
Fiona Lettice discusses updates from The Relationships in Good Hands Trial (RIGHT)

You may remember reading about the RIGHT trial in an earlier article from May 2023.
The Trial is being led by child and adolescent psychiatrist, Professor Helen Minnis from the University of Glasgow. Professor Minnis is also a patron of SAIA.
Why Attachment Matters in Social Neuroscience, Dr Pascal Vrticka

SAIA proudly presents our guest blogger, Dr Pascal Vrticka. Pascal is a social neuroscientist with strong ties to developmental & social psychology.
The Education Project

Making Scotland the best place in the world to grow up and learn’ is one of the many commitments which have provided the policy and legislative context for life in Scotland, over the past decade.