Scottish Attachment In Action has received funding from The Promise Partnership, Corra Foundation on behalf of Scottish Government to support a change in the post-adoption support experience within education in Scotland.
The Promise states we must not exclude care experienced children from education. Despite positive progress in adoption law and many support agencies providing information and resources the experience of adoptive families is not improving within education in Scotland. Evidence shows that adopted pupils are more likely to be expelled from Scottish schools and are more likely to leave school with no qualifications.
In our work with adopters, we repeatedly hear ‘We have had little support and only because we fought really hard for every little thing’. We aim to help adoptive children and their families to address this challenge, bringing their specific needs to the forefront.
Our research on mapping attachment-informed trauma-sensitive practice highlights the necessity of relationship-based approaches to reduce barriers to learning and exclusion. This project will allow trauma skilled specialist advocates to bridge the gap between families and schools. These advocates, using a relational approach, will mediate across home and school to support the child effectively and provide consistency.
Reducing crisis and creating better relationships between the child and school staff will support inclusion by deepening professionals understanding of the experiences of adopted children, addressing the key issue around the need for relational and trauma responsiveness, and in turn influencing how schools recognise and work with adoptive families.
We anticipate that access to ongoing, consistent support would reduce stress, secondary trauma and adoption disruption.
To identify what successful and sustainable embedded change looks and ‘feels’ like we will work alongside children and young people, their families and the workforce to shape the project.
We are looking for families and professionals to contribute to the project so please get in touch to find out more and how you can get involved. HERE
You may also be interested in joining our online community space for adopters. The next session will take place on 14th November at 7.00pm – 8.00pm.