How Not to Start a Lesson

Sean* had been excluded from school and was sitting around in the children’s house. Although a bright kid, I was his only link to any formal education.
The Broken Toilet and the Importance of Attunement

Helping children build secure attachments in the classroom can be lot harder than it looks. Attachment theory draws from many disciplines, and it is not easy to know where to start.
An Unconventional Family

what it is like growing up in foster care and the importance of belonging to a family.
Wondering Aloud

Swearing at the head teacher is never a good idea. I was told that David needed anger management. How would I convince his head teacher that David’s problem was not his anger? In fact, anger was probably the appropriate response to all he was going through.
Parenting Teenagers With Attachment Difficulties

As parents of teenagers with attachment difficulties, we may need an extraordinary sensitivity and resilience to stay connected and engaged with our children. It is something we can’t do on our own, and yet finding help for adopted teenagers and for those who are in foster care can be difficult.

I was sitting at the edge of the hall watching the toddlers playing when it happened. A small child ran up to my boy, grabbed the car he was playing with and gave him a hefty shove that left him sprawled on the floor.
Using the “L” Word

“Many of the most intense emotions arise during the formation of attachment relationships. The formation of a bond is described as falling in love … ”
John Bowlby in The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds.
Inclusion Makes Better Teachers

The three visitors looked friendly, but what I thought would be an opportunity to showcase our work left us feeling we had been caught short.
Why Attachment Matters – an Interview with Professor Helen Minnis

In the following interview between Professor Helen Minnis from the University of Glasgow and David Woodier a teacher, adoptive parent and blogger for Scottish Attachment in Action, Helen speaks about ‘Why Attachment Matters’ to her. Themes emerging from the interview may well resonate with those living and working with children and young people who’ve had an adverse start in life.
Reflections on the DDP Conference She has kindly given us permission to reproduce this excerpt from her blog post on October 17th this year.